SEPA direct debit – once
Incasseer je klanten eenmalig met SEPA-incasso via PayPro. Na het geven van akkoord hoeven je klanten er niets meer voor te doen, terwijl de betaling automatisch wordt verwerkt.
One-time payments with SEPA direct debit
SEPA direct debit is the easy way to collect a single payment automatically from your customers via bank transfer. For this automatic collection, you are obligated to receive a SEPA confirmation from a customer first. Then, payment can be directly debited without you and your customer need to do anything extra. Thanks to the SEPA system, you can collect payments from all of Europe through your PayPro account. Furthermore, one-time direct debits are used for our unique 1-Click-Upsell function.
Collect without effort
SEPA direct debit is the easiest way to collect payments from your customers. It is mandatory to receive an accord from the customer. At PayPro we offer the opportunity to collect one-time payments up to €1000,-. Thanks to the SEPA system, you can collect payments from all over Europe.
PayPro’s debtor management
Unfortunately, it occurs that payments through SEPA direct debit are reversed by your customer or not debited for another reason. PayPro offers the feature of automatic debtor management that prepares you for situations like this. By activating this module, we take care of your customers that have not paid and send them payment reminders, with the option to pay the outstanding amount.
SEPA incasso
SEPA Incasso. Bedraagt per transactie €0,25 i.c.m. de module Abonnementen & Gespreid betalen. Anders €0,35.
- € 0,25 – € 0,35
- Fixed
- 0,0 %
- Variable
- Eenmalig en/of doorlopend
- Lopende abonnementen overnemen
- Debiteurenbeheer
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